Wednesday, February 18, 2009


It's all about school! Emma is always excited when these days arrive. She attends on Tuesday's and Thursday's every week and loves every minute she is there. It was the best thing that Tim and I ever did! She has learned so much over the time she has been in class. She brings home stories about the friends she has made in class and the projects she has worked on with everyone. Her teachers are amazing too! They just adore her and talk about what a character she is. She is considered to be the "social butterfly" in class...hmmm, I wonder where she got that from! ha ha ha! She is an amazing little girl. She has applied her learning experiences in class at home. She has a computer game that she loves to play with. It has her spelling 3-letter words as well as her name. She also knows what the words say too! I cannot believe how smart she is and how much she has learned in just a short period of time. Once school ends for the summer, she will continue to stay busy spelling more words and joining a dance or gymnastics class! The story will continue as more experiences arrive in class!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Miss Emma Kate

This is one silly girl as you all know! The character she is and could be! This particular day she decided to pitch a tent with her umbrella on the couch. I caught her and had her smile really quick and this is what I got. She put her bottom jaw forward to make a silly face with a cute smile! Being 3 1/2 is a pretty easy age for her. She is being so good and is learning so much at school. She is now recognizing her ABC's in words and even spelling words on her computer. She can now spell her name on the computer too! We will be working more on her writing skills soon. She can also recognize her numbers! She says them as she see's them! It is just amazing to see her grow and become the amazing bright young girl she is. I am one lucky mom to have a great girl like Emma!

Sleepy Baby

It was one crazy day and both kids were very tired and cranky! Of course, it always happens at the same time having to deal with double the duties! Well since Ryder is the "easy" baby, I took him into his crib, gave him a bottle to soothe his temper and let him relax. I went back out and tried to get Emma to take a nap. Finally, about an hour later, I got her to lay down and go to sleep for a while. I decided to take a peep in on Ryder to see how he was doing and this is what I found. He must have been playing in his crib for the time being and before he could lay back his eyes shut! How adorable is this! I couldnt stop myself from laughing. I had to run down the hall so I could actually let out a good laugh and get the camera! This child of mine is the funniest ever! From this day on, I have found him several times passed out in different positons similar to this one. He is one to be like his papa! They can fall asleep anywhere and in any positon possible!
Good ol' Remington! He is one of the family and a great dog to have! On this particular sunny day, Remington felt that he needed to protect the kids while Tim and I washed the cars and cleaned out the garage. Watching the kids is a fact. He is a great babysitter! While the kids were playing around our neighbor across the street came out to get into her car that was parked on the street. As she walked to her car, Remington thought she was going towards the kids and growled with the hair on his back standing up at her. It was crazy. Overall, let's just say no one will mess with us if our superhero Lab is around! It's like I said before...He is one of the family!!'s not the cutest picture on the blog, but who looks their best when out at Glamis! This was a time that Tim and I got to get away for his 40th birthday. Thank you to Mimi & Papa, they took the kids for the weekend so Tim and I could hit the dunes. We had a great time with some of Tim's family. We stayed out there for the weekend and celebrated his BIG 40! He had a hard time accepting the fact that he was in a totally different age bracket, but soon came to terms that it was ok because I loved him no matter what! The picture taken above was when Tim and I were waiting for his brother in law Fish. His motorcycle had broken down in the middle of the dunes. We finally were able to get it towed over to Oldsmobile hill and found someone to take it back to camp. It was hot, but fun no matter what the circumstances had been. That's just how it goes out in Glamis! These are the times that we never forget because no matter how stuck you feel you are, you never are forever! There is always a helping hand out there! In the end, Tim and I took our own trip back to camp and got to spend quality time together! It was a good birthday for him and a great trip together!