Wednesday, February 18, 2009


It's all about school! Emma is always excited when these days arrive. She attends on Tuesday's and Thursday's every week and loves every minute she is there. It was the best thing that Tim and I ever did! She has learned so much over the time she has been in class. She brings home stories about the friends she has made in class and the projects she has worked on with everyone. Her teachers are amazing too! They just adore her and talk about what a character she is. She is considered to be the "social butterfly" in class...hmmm, I wonder where she got that from! ha ha ha! She is an amazing little girl. She has applied her learning experiences in class at home. She has a computer game that she loves to play with. It has her spelling 3-letter words as well as her name. She also knows what the words say too! I cannot believe how smart she is and how much she has learned in just a short period of time. Once school ends for the summer, she will continue to stay busy spelling more words and joining a dance or gymnastics class! The story will continue as more experiences arrive in class!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Cute pictures of Emma at preschool! I am glad to hear she loves it!